God In First Responders

This past Easter I spent quite some time pondering my faith, how I came to it and what it means to me. There was a time when I didn’t follow Jesus, I didn’t really believe. I had a religion to practice but no relationship with a personal God. I want to share two stories beginning with Easter Sunday morning. I’ve taken some time to process and meditate in order to fully articulate what I’ve been thinking.

Waking up before dawn on Easter Sunday yet staying in bed, I kept repeating to myself this phrase, “early on the morning of the first day of the week…” it’s a section from the Gospel of Mark about the resurrection of Jesus. I thought of how Jesus came to seek and save the lost. Contrary to the popular phrase, “God helps those who help themselves” - Jesus helps those who can’t help themselves - and my mind focused on First Responders. Yes, I’m oddly tilted towards the lives and actions of Fire, Police, EMS and Dispatch personnel. In my faith, in the midst of so much about God I don’t fully understand, there’s one thing I can grasp - the heart of Jesus who rescues, is reflected in the actions of First Responders.

And then the fire…

A week ago I was in Plainfield, Township, Pa. at a house fire. Starting as a vehicle fire in the driveway, the wind blowing from the west, pushing the flames towards the house, igniting the siding and quickly making its way into the eves and attic space. Five departments responded and were able to get a jump on the fire preventing a total loss of the property. During my interaction with the family and friends of the home someone asked, “Why did it take so long for the fire department to arrive? Why didn’t they get here sooner?” Being part of volunteer departments for years, I conveyed the determination and rather rapid response of the firefighters, all things being considered. Leaving work or coming from home to the station, leaving family, friends, parties or meals, having multiple calls in a row or being tied up for some unseen reason, First Responders act when called upon with utmost determination and urgency, even if it doesn’t seem this way to others.

I’ve seen First Responders rescue the trapped, give aid to gunshot victims, defend the weak, stand up for righteousness, confront evil, bind up the broken and dispatch help all in seamless stride within their training and callings. They always respond - even if that response seems to be slow. They are helpers, healers, protectors and correctors. They stand in the gap when no one else can or will. And I see God in these First Responders.

As I’ve interacted with victims on various police and fire calls, people often express their confusion as to why God isn’t responding, why he isn’t coming to their aid more quickly, why did he let this happen? But just like the First Responder, things are happening behind the scenes just outside of our sight, for necessary maximum impact and effectiveness. If you want to see what Jesus is like, at least a brief glimpse, take a look at First Responders.

In my view, each and every First Responder, whether they have a faith in God or not, reflects the image of God in their actions. The good ones I know would deny any resemblance to divinity, but look at their passion and eagerness. Watch them running towards danger, engaging evil, defending the weak, uplifting the broken. To their credit, I see God in First Responders.